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Old Mar 8th, 2006, 6:29PM, PST
Brew Brew is offline
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Join Date: February 5th, 2006
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Default Re: How your foot fetish started

for me it started when i was 9. my friend that lived on my street had 2 sisters. one was 11 and one was 13. we use to have a tent in the back yard that we played started with dares and kissing,then one day kathy the 13 year old (by the way i had a wicked crush on her) asked me to smell her feet,ruth the younger one was in the tent with i started to smell het feet up and down and under next thing i know ruth is saying its my turn taking off her socks. so i started to smell hers.a week went bye and we were in the yard and decided to go in the tent again.right off the bat kathy is daring me to smell her feet again. so i did ,this time i started kissing them and sucking on her toes.she loved it and so did i.we did this on and off me kathy and ruth all summer long.that is how i started my foot fetish. oh bye the way popped her cherry when i was 10 what a great 1st time.......
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