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Old Apr 22nd, 2008, 5:41AM, PDT
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Feed Crawler Bot
Join Date: November 9th, 2006
Location: Los Angeles, California, United States
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feedcrawler is on a distinguished road
Default Open Question: WHAT ATTRACTS OR TURNS U ON BAEBI?¿ lol. (ppl of the glbt community ONLY plz)?

HERE'S WUT ATTRACTS - TURNS ME ON:***humorous, rocker, emo (scene), rebel, unique, fun-loving, intelligent, opinionated, sometimes preppy, kinda bossy chicks.***chicks who AREN'T afraid to wax, or have designs or little hair in that certain place.***chicks w/ smooth skin, beautiful legs, and most of all nice eyes and pretty teeth, and a nice physique or some muscles (athletic).***pretty, touchable, polish-able, lick-able, massage-able FEET!! Yes i have a fetish.***tattoos, piercings, short hair styles - or lon hairstyles, activist or cause worthy chicks, creative/artsy chicks like me.***fingers running across certain spots on my body very lightly - gives me the chills!! hehehe. =x***BUT MORE THAN EVER, A CHICK THAT HAS BRAINS AND CAN TEACH ME SOMETHING I DON'T KNO, show me a good time, go on adventures and take me places i haven't been.***a chick that isn't easy access or popular in a bad way.i kno wut attracts me tho i am a virgin lookin for that special girl? is ?xxxxxsorry if the list sounds picky but those are just sum things that i kno i'm attracted to, i don't necessarily expect a girl i d8 to have all of the above...soo sorry if u thought i meant i want a chick thats everything i put up there.ALRIGHT THEN "insert_cookies_here" U REALLY HIT THE TARGET & U LIKE some OF THE THINGS I LIKE...hehehe =#

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