There used to be a great handful of parties in New York City that I've attended that were fantastic.
About 10 years ago, my friend and 'Sole' Brother Ken Feet, a party promoter and producer, started a "Foot Lounge" as part of a fetish party called Gommorrah, he then branched out and threw Foot parties with different partners - Mistress Aphrodite, Mistress Samantha, Mistress Selene (who owns the gorgeous Feet in my avatar pic). I used to be the photographer for his Yahoo! group that he used to promote his parties. This was my first experience in the world of Foot parties. I met a LOT of cool people throgh Ken. Ken's been out of the scene for a while. I definitely miss his parties.
There was another cat named Mike that used to throw great parties. I miss his parties... Lots of Women and ::coughgettingfjswasallowedcough:: The cool thing about Mike's parties was that they were weekly!
A few other parties popped up, but didn't really last.
The s&m club Paddles has a monthly Foot party, the second Saturday of every month... Unfortunately, the thing I hate about Paddles' parties is that there are never enough Women! The last time I went to one, there were no more than 9 or 10 Women! And of course, certain Women are approached right away, so ya gotta get there early! (I don't like getting Feet that another dude just slobbered on)
Ken's parties are gone, Mike's parties are gone... which is unfortunate because they were great and affordable ($40-$60 to get in and $20 for 10-15 minute sessions) Paddles' parties are affordable ($60 or $50 with ad from newspaper) but they only have a handful of Women.
Which leaves parties thrown by a cat named Jason... Apparently his parties are real big, but they're also $150 just to get in.
I'd love to visit other cities to experience other Foot parties... My man John throws the Philly Foot parties... If I ever visit, I'll definitely have to check his parties out.
Sorry if this response was too wordy, LOL... I just love talking about Feet and anything Foot related. I'll have to share some of my experiences and pics ("theFootChronicles") from Foot parties very soon...
"Ahhhh, there's nothing quite like the taste of a complete stranger's Feet." - Roger Lodge, host of 'Blind Date'
Last edited by SoleSolution : Mar 13th, 2008 at 8:41AM, PDT.