Originally Posted by FootGuyNC
But see do they consider this modeling?
It very much depends on one's approach and the feeling of comfort the producer creates for the model. Lot of psychological underpinnings to that statement and I wouldn't even want to touch the tip of that iceberg, but trust me when I say the "logic" for real models can easily be thrown right out the window when there is the correct "resource" and "justification" for her services.
Those are two very important things in this game as I have learned in my years of experience as a producer... there many counter-intuitive concepts that I would've never imagined before I stumbling upon them either. The smallest details like subtle word choices can make a tremendous impact.
I consider my specialty nowadays to be my ability to be able to justify to an upscale classy woman why she should model her feet. My problem has always been (and now more than ever) the ability to pull the resource that is also needed as part of that success equation. I therefore have been targetting (for quite some time) women who require less resources for me to make it happen.
Originally Posted by FootGuyNC
On the other hand, I'd love to see you do that magic clip I showed you ages ago.  All you'd need is a cardboard box and time to edit the clip. 
I'm slowly getting thru scripts. Notice how I got the fortune teller one down some months back. I always like to do the short easy ones
May need a refresher on the magic idea cuz I have a lot of great script ideas in the queue.