Thanks Tyler... You're definitely helping me lean towards devising a way to make this happen... Some things in my favor are... 1. I have a hooded sweat shirt from a certain television interview show that I used to work on, which is still at her mother's house. I can tell her I want to pick it up. 2. My relationship with her mom. We would always joke and clown around together. 3. Probably the biggest thing in my favor... Every time my ex's mom takes her socks or knee highs off, she
brings them to her nose and sniffs them! The last time she did this, I looked at her and raised my eye brow, and she said, something I never will forget... "I like the smell of my Feets."

I went nuts when I heard her say that. Another thing is, she has a certain pair of black leather shoes that she calls her
"stinky shoes" that she puts underneath the couch when she takes them off. The last time I was there, she took off the shoes, kicked them underneath the couch and said, "Stinky Feet comin' up!"

All I could do was think of how bad I wanted to confirm that statement, but the girlfriend was there, so I couldn't respond ... I'd love to bring these up somehow, the sock sniffing and the "stinky shoes" and use them as a start off point to get my nose against her Soles...
Well... These are things to consider... I'll definitely toss this around in my brain and see what happens... But more than likely I think I will try to work on it. Right now might not be a great time because the break up is still a bit fresh, and there are issues that I'm still dealing with regarding the whole break up... But eventually I would like to work on making it happen. I want to smell her Feet!!! Either way, wish me luck!