what a pompous bitch!
Oh man where do I start on this one. You know tyler I always enjoy when you post these kinds of stories, some of us usuall really try to be a little serious on some of these threads. Right on, you or should I say we, give sound advice for the most part.
But this bitches demeanor just pissed me the hell off from the get go. This pompous broad thinks she is so god dam important. I am this I am that, and he is only this or that. Oh would you get over yourself. I bet she sucked so much CEO cock after writing that shit that she got light headed.
Anyway she did say one positive thing which was that she understands some people have there "thing" she seems to be ok with that, she might have just been embarrassed at how the guy blurted it out. Tyler is right DONT BE AN ASS LIKE THIS GUY.