Yup i really really like the *coughcoughcoughFJcough* parts. to me having my boy touch those beautiful feet just solidifies the experience.
that's awesome that you have friends you will allow you to smell their feet!!! For me its always a struggle. I have to pretend to be joking around and then quickly catch a sniff. Some days when im uber uber horny for feet i'll go to a rub n tug and simply ask for a FJ. Its frustrating because im a yovng fit attractive guy but its still very hard to get girls to allow you to have some foot fun. I always try to incorporate some foot fun with my dates, but most of the time its very brief or their grossed out. FUCK I NEED A GF!!! hahaha. seriously though i have a date this wednesday, i know she has sexy little feet, how can i get her to let loose and allow me to smell them while she jerks me off?