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Old Jan 26th, 2008, 9:07AM, PST
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SoleSolution SoleSolution is offline
A True Master
Join Date: January 24th, 2008
Location: NYC!
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Thanks for sharing... Aren't Foot parties the greates creation? LOL.. Next to flip flops, nylons, toe rings... LOL

NYC had quite a few Foot Parties, but they've all pretty much faded away except for a cat named Jason who still throws parties... His parties are a bit expensive to get into though. I think his parties are $150 just to get in(!) There's also a monthly Foot/Face sitting party held at an s&m club called Paddles. Their party is $60 to get in. All the others, were either $40 or $60 to get in... Oh how I miss those days of many Foot parties! My friend Ken Feet, was the king of Foot parties back in the late 90's early 00's. He's retired from the scene... His friend Mistress Samantha used to have a party too... And then there's a cat named Mike who had parties... Mike's parties became my favorite because, first, they were weekly, and two, one could... ahem... ::coughcoughgetaFJcoughcough::

Hopefully someone will produce a reasonably priced weekly party again soon in NYC... I'm fortunate to have friends who let me smell and worship their Feet, but there's something so sublime and wonderfully erotic about worshipping the Feet of a Woman you've never met in your life... Hey, I'm preaching to the choir here. LOL.

Peace y'all
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