Thread: Feet and Faces
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Old Jan 26th, 2008, 8:44AM, PST
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Some guys absolutely hate Feet shots without faces... I'm not one of those guys. I understand Tyler's concern about dudes posting their Feet and trying to pass them off as a Woman's Feet, but I think that in cases where the pics were shot by a "reputable" Foot fetishist, who you know loves Female Feet and would have no need to post a guys Feet, it's ok if there is no face in the shots. For example.. a couple of my favorite sites are realfeet and wowfeet... I know the guys that run these sites are true Foot lovers to the core.. and sometimes they will run shots without faces... that's ok... Sometimes the Women don't want their faces shown.

In another thread I wrote about shooting candids... I never show faces in my candids because I like close up Sole/Toe shots...(and because I don't want to compromise their privacy... Face is personal, Feet are universal) I don't have a reason to shoot a dudes Feet because I love Women's Feet... I just think that the Feet can be appreciated without seeing the faces. What if you saw a shot in which a Woman had (what you consider) absolutely gorgeous Feet, but she wasn't attractive at all.. Would that detract from the beauty of her Feet? I would say no. I've seen many unattractive Women with gorgeous Feet in real life and on the net.

Don't get me wrong.. Feet n' Face shots are nice... I like 'em like the next guy... but they aren't absolutely necessary for me to appreciate the Feet.

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