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Old Sep 10th, 2007, 7:16PM, PDT
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Originally Posted by Feetastic View Post

....we ended up have sex, but no more foot action. everytime either my hand, nose, mouth, tongue or dick went near her foot she'd push it away.

At least you got the sex dude so it can't be all that bad.
In all my sexual expereinces I only had one girl that was really disturbed by my fascination with her feet and perhaps I indulged in her feet a little too early without easing her into my fetish (as I usually do) and she figured me to be a strange pervert of some kind and I never made a recovery from that one.
Hey you can't win them all but 9 out 10 times I get them to at least accept if not love the fact that I love and adore their feet...stink and all!
It helps that I'm pretty good at explaining it to them and that seems to calm them down enough to loosen up and indulge in the expereince.
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