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Old Feb 6th, 2013, 11:49AM, PST
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Default Open Question: help i think my sadism got worst please.please answer!!?

I have ocd i also have a foot fetish a big one an electro fetish and a crossdressing and highheel fetish.oki was looking up electro porn trying to make sure it dosnt arouse me i was trying to suppress it for like 2 years because i didnt agree with it.the i stopped suppressing it.then i started to have a fear of being i have a fear of losing my foot fetish.then i started doing research of the sub counscios.i thinl i lost my foot fetsh subcounscouly.i smoke alot of marijuana and it just all in my head will i ever be normal again.In 20 year old and in scard plrase help and im a very harmless person i dont wanna hurt nobodyI also get depressed a for a little bit.i afraid to take to people about thisAnd dontsay talk to your afraid of getting put in a mental home

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