Thread: f0rce
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Old Nov 14th, 2012, 11:27PM, PST
ferrari831983 ferrari831983 is offline
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ferrari831983 is on a distinguished road

MiaF0rcedByHerRoommate (Paris) and Her Boyfriend
Paris comes home to find her boyfriend in a mask on the couch. She's curious what's going on and is about to find out that one of her dreams is going to come true. On a whim Paris and her boyfriend discussed a tricky way for Paris to get her new roommate, Mia's, feet in her clutches without Mia knowing. See Paris loves Mia's feet and one night Paris and her boyfriend came up with a scheme to get at them. Since Paris' boyfriend and Mia have never met she wouldn't recognize him or his voice. The idea was to have Paris' boyfriend sneak in the apartment and tie Mia up, making her think he's an intruder. Then with Mia blindfolded he could "f0rce" Paris to worship and tickle her feet. Mia would think that Paris was being f0rced to do things to her feet that in reality Paris really and truly WANTS to do. Paris and her boyfriend make it seem like Paris is doing all these things against her will but one look at her face and seeing the wispers of joy on her lips tells a different story. They worship and tickle poor tied up Mia's feet maintaining the facade while Paris strokes her boyfriends cock, making him cum while she worships and tickles Mia's feet!!

Price: $12.99 USD
Length: 13 minutes
Size: 320 MB
Format: WMV
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