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Old Oct 28th, 2012, 5:12AM, PDT
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Default Open Question: I need advice for my sex life :( Please read!!?

Ok me and my boyfriend are both 21, and have been dating 1 year and a 1/2. We both love each other very much and are pretty much inseparable. When we first started dating, he was a virgin and he had a little secret. He has a foot fetish (please don't judge). The secret didn't both me, because I knew when the time came that we did have sex we would figure it out. We had sex for our first time about 7 months after dating. I loved the feeling, not only for pleasure, but I loved being with him in an emotional sense too. It made me feel connected to him even more then we already are. Well a couple of months ago we got into some bad fights that caused us to almost break up and we kind of stopped having sex. He said that since he has a foot fetish, he would rather just watch me step on stuff and for him to just do it himself. Everytime I tried he would say he was too tired, or he simply just didn't want to. After so many months of trying I just kind of gave up. Then a couple of weeks ago he went to work and I went on the computer and looked on the history because I needed to find a site I went on the day before, and I found out that he was watching foot porn on here while I was taking a nap right next to him! This hurt me soo much because I've explained my feelings to him, and this was just like a punch in the face. I was laying right there, and instead of waking me up and doing things that people who LOVE each other are supposed to do, he just did that instead. I confronted him about it and he defended himself saying why can't he get any privacy. This fight almost lead to a break up because I just felt he was being so selfish. But when we made up he said he wouldn't do it anymore. Then of course, I caught him again. This time on his phone. And yes I snooped, I wanted to see if he was lying to me, He's always been a liar since I met him, and I wish I would have known that from the beginning. Anyway I confronted him again and our fight escalated to us breaking up. I told him I hated him for making me feel so unwanted. We got back together but I told him this is enough, that I'm not going to go on like nothing is wrong, something needs to change. I realize that sex isn't the whole relationship, but when you've been dating a year and a half and love someone but they would rather just watch porn instead of be with you, there is an issue! Please don't judge I know this is crazy but I really need advice

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