I can't believe I got not once dam response to this pic set. This ite is has turned out to be a total loss. May as well close the doors on it now, updates are just 1 time per month, no pumps, no pantyhose, and no one uses that chat room. And no one posyts stuff in here but a couple fans. Too bad Ty decided to put his energy and money into some new career or what ever it is, that motorcycle bit thing. I don't even come in here as much as I uesed to. Used to come in all the time. Oh well, feetcore is in drastic need of money and something to spark it up. It never really did take off like other sites such as, just to name a few of the top of my head;
www.feetweek.com www.leggypauline.com www.phillyfootworship.com www. nomisworld.com and the list goes on and on for miles. Oh well, I'll not post anything else in here, no one appreciates the stuff nor do you get feedback,,,,nylonfootsniffer saying good-bye and good luck