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Old Sep 30th, 2012, 8:20AM, PDT
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Default Open Question: BOYFRIEND TROUBLES! Is this a form of prositution?

I dated this boy for a few months over the summer. We broke up but have been talking ever since and have considered getting back together. I recently found out he has a foot fetish and posts pictures of my feet on instagram under a secret acount called "sexyfeet." I am very freaked out and I don't know how to handle this. The profile info reads "I post pics of my gf/ex gf's feet and toes" One caption for a picture of my feet reads "Who wants to suck on these? #beautifulfeet #lickthem #suckthem" The picture has over 30likes and 15 comments so far. I feel disgusted that he has displayed my body on the internent for the pleasure of other people. Should I be worried? What are your thoughts on this whole issue? Do you think this is wrong? Thanks for any help.I must add that I took the pictures of my feet to show him my painted toe nails. He then secretly posted these pictures online. I had NO CLUE he was doing this,it was completly behind my back and without my consent.

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