Tread, looks like I had a little trouble uploading images myself. Apparently there's some constraints for the filesize & dimensions I was not mindful of when I tried to upload and it gave me some errors and then I lost all my chances to post an image for that particular post.
When I get some time, I'll try to create a better
how to link next to the image attachment section at the bottom of the new post function.
Looks like this forum allows you to attempt two attachments and then it takes away the ability after two failed or successful posts.
I'll have to report this as a bug or upgrade to the next forum revision or something... or maybe just fix the bug myself if I can get away from other business efforts.
thanks for bringing this to my attention.
Okay, I've made the upload attachment instructions a little clearer, and fixed a forum bug which will now allow the upload option to show up even if the user's upload accidentally fails. Also removed the requirement for alphanumeric characters.
However, NOTE that each post is limited to one image or file upload per post (
per instructions), and after one successful file or image upload in that post, the option to upload again within that post will disappear.
Post edited by: tyler, at: 2006/01/28 19:36