Do NOT Post the following types of media from these sites listed below:Webmasters/Owners, if you see some of your pics or clips posted in this forum and you wish to have them immediately removed, please
contact us. Webmasters may also specify if they wish to be included in the above list of forbidden sites who's material is permanently restricted from being posted in this forum.
Posters/Surfers, it is recommended that you post only a small handful of pictures (like 8 or less) from someone else's set or smaller clips in the event that you are posting videos. Avoid posting full length films.
We also recommend you provide a URL in your post that links to the producer's website if the material you're sharing is not your own. This is especially important if the producer did not put a website logo in the material you've shared.
This way, it gives proper credit to the people who made the material. And when others see the sample material that you've shared/advertised, they will know exactly where they can purchase the rest of the scene. It's the least you can do for the producers if you are gonna share their media.
Check back in this sticky thread every so often too so you know who's material is NOT allowed to be posted.
Tyler D.