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Old Aug 27th, 2011, 2:44PM, PDT
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Default Open Question: Help, very confusing girl..?

So i met this girl around a year ago... At first she absolutely hated me, we had huge differences. Then one semester later, she apologizes to me and starts being friendly with me. A test came up in one of the courses we are taking together and she proposed to study together. When we studied, she would laugh at my jokes and smile a lot. She played footsie 24/7.. She then started calling me "babe & booboo" in texts and said that she loves me, but in a playful way. As in "i luv uuuuu" So the semester moves on, more tests came and she kept on wanting to study with me. Whenever we studied, she would be very touchy and play footsie ALOT.. She even tried to make me touch her feet to see if i had a foot fetish (which i did o.0) She then started to invite me to hangout with her friends and stuff. Keep in mind, during all this time, she was dating someone. But when she broke up with him, i told her that i have a crush on her. Her reply was that "she didnt want to make our friendship "awkward" So i was like o~~~~k.. Days moved on.. I kept on complimenting her in her pictures (mainly her smile) and she loved the compliments, and always sent me kisses in texts, and said that i was so cute and sweet. So one day i got her flowers with a card. She then called me to thank me for the flowers and said that "i seriously made her day, and that she loves me so much" So i told her i have a crush on her again.. and she said that she is dating someone.. Should i just wait for her to breakup with him and ask her out later? Or should i just forget about it?4 days agoTo clarify a few things, when she wanted to study with me, she didnt know that i liked her. After i told her that i liked her, she stopped studying with me and hanging out with me alone.. And stopped playing footsie and stuff. But she does think im cute. I guess i'll just treat her as a normal friend. If she wants me more than a friend, she'll speak up, if not then there are plenty of fish in the sea

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