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Old Dec 31st, 2006, 1:14AM, PST
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Default Open Question: I made love to my sister, please help...?

Ok, I have to make this short, posted several before with more details but they were removed.Basically I have a foot fetish, and sadly the only legs and feet I have ever liked are my sisters. We are in our early 20s, and the other night I saw her in bed, and snogged her feet, kissed her legs...she dodnt stop me!So I got in the bed and we had the best sex ever!Help, I want to do it again!Please dont criticise me, I know it was wrong: I just need to know if any of you guys have done this, or what should I do?Best wishes,My mum and dad arent into that, I would be killed if my family found out. But I it was amazong sex! Her feet, I just get an erection when I see them, I love watching them... oh Im off to do it again!

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