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Old Aug 21st, 2010, 10:35AM, PDT
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TGirl Anna TGirl Anna is offline
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hi everyone
just wanted to ask a favour and you get a thousand wiggles of my toes in return hehe - has anyone got the SHORT version (about 4 minutes long) of Bryan Adams Everything I Do I Do It For You???? if so could u email me the mp3 to
its for my next set slideshow which I am putting together now and should be uploaded in over a weeks time hopefully, its called For You, so the tune fits to the set. I only have the long version and the shorter version ends how I want the slideshow to end.
also in maybe 2 days, or maybe tonight who knows hehe, I will upload a new video called Feet Love Week which is for a week dedicated to sexy feet like mine that i am creating, or rather ALL admirers of sexy feet will contibute to creating. All you need to do is watch the video and mail me ur vote on a start date for a fun week... of course everyday should be dedicated to beautiful feet like mine and all feet lovers know they have to work to be allowed near them teehee. there will be a new mp3 'Treat my Feet' (as soon as i can get it the mp3 bits off my mobile phone hehe) and 2 desktop wallpapers to download and have on your computer. i will give the dates i have selected to vote on to give you a head start, plentyyyy of time to vote - week beginnin, 27th September or 4th October. thanks xxx
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