HEY, great news... the original SONG 'Ocean/One' which was recorded about and just for me by my member Ares is now up on my site to Download free as an MP3 from the intro/homepage... also Pleaseeeeeee watch it in the video slideshow on my site and comment on anything, as it is a very unique story/song. there are slides in the show telling the story behind the song which was also written by Ares.
Also download an MP3 by ME also free of course haha. right click and save target as, you know how to do it hehe. this is the first of some MP3s I wanna do, its just me talking (nervously hehe), giving u a pleasent dream about my feets, so listen on ur MP3 players at night and dream of my feet..its called 'Dream of my Feet' haha...both MP3s are also available in my NEW section called 'FEET FUN'..which is on my right sidebar of my website (running out of space to put things hehe) Please please feel free to take part in this as its part of my aim to make my site super interactive. its a mix of the story and Grovel here section on my site. i have written 5 short scenarios which feet lovers and feet slaves can interact with, its perfect for submissive foot lovers... so for example theres a 'Treat my feets' scene where i explain how i love to paint my sexy toes and stuff, but i ask what if YOU were to be allowed down there holding my feet gently and painting my toes up close and personal, what colours and nail art would u choose? would u blow my toes dry? ..stuff like please if u wanna take part read the scenarios and answer the 'questions' in red font...its more like examples really...all contributions will go on a special page showcasing them, and hopefully maybe somekind of slideshow... and the great thing about this is that what would start as answering questions on how you would go about pampering my feets might turn into a 'fantasy story' about them if theres something creative u wanna say, so it works any way, its super fun and im realllly proud of it. So check it out and please download the MP3s and watch the Ocean/One slideshow...its beautiful song which ive been lucky enough to hear for a week now on my iTouch the slideshow the song starts playing around 40 seconds in, so watch it all hehe... mail me on my email as i really wanna hear what everyone thinks of the MP3s.... also Snvffle Bear needs some helping out LOL
I'm working on new set now called 'For You'..lots of red and glitter which is already spreading rapidly around my house hahah
thanks for everyones continued support and love, its amazing!! I'm sooo excited about these new things. please enjoy them.