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Old Oct 18th, 2022, 7:28AM, PDT
Zero3 Zero3 is offline
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Zero3 is on a distinguished road

Its always funny that people tend to latch on to foot fetishism whenever its presented even though most of the time when it is, the show or media has a history of way more depraved sexual acts. Even in this episode its explained to us very shortly before the larys scene that our future king (minor spoilers) r@pes women for fun, impregnates them, then if they arent aborted (which he could care less if they do) he c3lebrates by watching his bastard ch!ldren fight in a slave fighting ring where they file the teeth and nails of the kids sharply to "make them more formidable". This same person also has 2 royal ch!ldren with his own sister which is also implied to be r@pe babies if not extremely reluctant consent.

But the guy who likes feet gets an article about him? its a crazy world we live in lol

Cant say im surprised though, we live in a world now where pornstars from claim to be lesbian irl. Lana rhodes one of the biggest if not the biggest pornstar of the last decade still thinks she can be a great mother. And we have cel3brities that are more obsessed with dead men who cheated on them than their own living husband who they have ch!ldren with.
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