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Old Nov 2nd, 2009, 4:01AM, PST
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Default Open Question: What's a crush to do,when yur not supposed to love the one yu love?

I've tried numerous times to get over the person I feel like I'm in love with,but absolutely nothing works. I'm not supposed to love the person I love tho. We're both girls&I'm just not gay. I mean obviously I'm bi-sexual cause I have strong feelings for her that won't seem to just go away,but me&this girl are best friends. I don't really know if she's gay,but she told me she's not. It's complicated tho, like she always sends me mixed signals. Well back when I met her,she seemed really against being gay&she's catholic. Then she started acting different around me. She once asked me to suck her toe,after I stupidly said I had a foot fetish. Well I meant I hate having my feet dirty. She's always leaning on me&bumping into me while we walk together. One time she accidentally hit my butt while we were walking. She was like falling all over me this one time&she said that she was gonna end up falling over&she said I'd break her fall. Then the same night she was really cold,so she wanted a hug. Then she hugged me&like ended up pushing me over,cause she tried walking while hugging me. Then my ex-bf who was chillin with us walked over&she side-hugged me& said Guess What {my ex bf's name} I love {my name}. later on we were chillin in the basement at her aunt's house&she said she was tired,then she laid her head on my shoulder even tho the guy she liked was sitting on the other-side of her. like she could've laid on him,but she choose me. idk,... I just really like her&I wanna get over her,but I also want her&me to be together. I just don't know if she's gay. what do yu think I should do? Do yu think she's gay?

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