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Old Oct 14th, 2009, 11:29PM, PDT
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Default Open Question: Why is the foot fetish so hated in our society?

What is with anti-foot fetish people, and people that go around saying that people that like feet are weird and such. It's just an interest in feet like there's an interest in fighter jet planes. We treat these people like their from another world or something. The foot fetish is an art, in a sense. Some people find feet appealing and the majority is based on women's feet because women beautify their feet, thus making them beautiful, attractive and so on. There are different things that can be appealing for feet interest on females such as their toe nail paintings, their fashion socks and stockings, and most of all their shoes. There's also their jewelry as well, such as toe rings and anklets. Even the smell of a females foot is appealing. So why is this attraction to feet mainly female feet because I do not like male feet what so ever, why is the attraction to female feet so hated if females are known to keep their feet beautiful?

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