I dated this guy for a couple of weeks where he told me his life story, and everything sexual he had done. One of which was his fetish with feet and pregnant woman. And also, his sexual experience with another guy. Due to all of this, and just me not being so in to him we broke up. I don't judge his past, I just am not comfortable with it. I know that at least he was honest in telling me, and that is why we are still friends. He still likes me, and I still like him because physically he is cute. The thing is, he wants to have sex with me before I leave the country, and I am not sure if I want to aswell. Because of his experience with another guy, doesn't really put me in the mood. What do you guys recommend I should do, because I do like to have sex, but his past kind of scares me. P.S. he doesn't only want to have sex he also wants to be friends