Eyes:A.BlueB.GreenC.BrownD.Light BrownE.HazelF.(You like it when they change)Hair

Length)A: ShortB. Shoulder lengthC. Medium lengthD. Long/Boob LengthE. Elbow LengthF. Rapunzel! longer the better

Texture:A.CurlyB.StraightC.WavyD. You like it when they mix it upFullness:Thick or thin?Color:There are allot of colors so specify the best you can

(please don't skip this answer)Lips:Full Or thin? Maybe in-between.Breast:ABCDF, The Bigger the better

Yes or No questions:Is a flat stomach preferred?Do You like a girl with hips?Hour glass figure preferred?Do you like big butts?How about long legs?Is a pretty smile necessary?Boobs or Butts? Maybe both.Do you like Girly girls are tomboys?Do you like a girl to act adorable or is it just annoying?Do you have a foot fetish?What do you think about pink hair?Do you like leather or bows and lace?Do you have to have a skinny girl? or do you prefer a girl with some curves.Short or Tall (but not taller then you)?What do you think about perfume?Do you like light skin or tan skin?What about a girl with style? Is that proffered?What do you think about facial piercings?What about a belly piercing?Tattoos? Yay or nay?If she has a little bit of acne, would you care??How do you feel about crotchlessspanties? (you don't have to answer that question, that is out of humor)I'm asking all these questions, are you curious on what I look like?