feedcrawler |
Feb 4th, 2010 5:40AM, PST |
Open Question: Is he blowing me off or playing mind games?
I met someone online about 1.5 months ago. We talked for hours and seemed to have a lot in common. I told him at the time that I was talking to someone else daily by phone and yahoo messenger. After our initial conversation, he emailed me saying that he doesn't want to get in the way of what I have going with this other man, but to call if things changed. I assured him that I am interested in getting to know him better.We talked a few other times, he called me and I didn't return one of his call for a week. He let me know that he was upset that I blew him off for a week. I have always been open with him about other people I was dating and talking to, but made sure I told him that I wasn't serious with anyone and still wanted to pursue him. We both hid our online profiles at the same time so we could focus on each other. He has a foot fetish, so I sent him a pair of slippers and a night gown, so he'd have something of mine until we met. He said that he likes to be dominant in a relationship (I am a traditionalist so I don't mind that), needs constant reassurance, and mentioned that women fall for him easily. He even told a story about how he broke it off with a women who wanted him back so bad that she set up a fake online profile and met him on a date just to get him back. He's always talking about how women fall all over him and that he ends up having to block either numbers. He would always get upset or think I was talking to another guy if he called and I didn't answer or if he'd go to voicemail. He left me a message once saying in a harsh tone, "5 minutes... 5 minutes". I called him back 30 minutes later and he claims that he didn't know he was leaving a message saying 5 minutes... he says that he was progamming his DVR for 5 min. (talking outloud) and somehow he must have left me a message. He called another time and I didn't answer and I got an email saying that, I won't stop until I lose it all and not to ask him what that means because I already know. He won't explain his feelings, but he just says that he will make me think (unlike other men)??We finally met 3 weeks ago and had a great time. We ended up kissing and he asked that I keep my slippers and night gown @ his place and made it clear that he wanted to see me again and possibly get in a relationship at some point down the line. I agreed and explained several times that I am really liking him and that I don't want to get hurt and told him not to waste my time and asked him not to pretend or fake his feelings for me. He assured me that he just as into me and asked me to stop talking to other people. He alway expressed wanting us to be exclusive during our conversations. I finally agreed and stopped communicating with others on a dating level.He lives 2 hours away and before we me, I told him that wasn't excited about driving so far to see him. I live with someone, so it wouldn't be convenient for him to come to me. He is more of a homebody and I like to go out occassionally. He got the impression that I am constantly on the go and want him to constantly entertain him. I also let him know that I was thinking of moving to NC and fed up with my job.We were supposed to meet last Saturday. We talk that previous Sunday and he told me how much he enjoyed our conversations and time spent together and I replied similarly. I called him on Monday to see if he'd be interested in meeting half way since I hadn't seen him in 2 weeks. I didn't hear back from him until 12 am on Tuesday night/ Wednesday morning when he left me a message mocking me asking if I wanted to meet him half way?!! I called him Wednesday evening and talked to him for a few minutes and told him I'd call him back. I called him back a couple hours later and he didn't answer (he thought I blew him off for someone else, I never got a chance to tell him I was watching Obama's State of the Union Address). We talked on Thursday night and I asked him to plan our weekend and he said he'd call me on the next day and mentioned that he felt uneasy about having to plan our weekend. I told him no pressure, I just want to mainly be around him. During our conversation, he asked when I have my period (so he could track it and understand if I was acting moody). He told me that he just wants to know everything about me and that I should be open.He never called on Friday and I left him a message asking if he was still interested and to let me know if he isn't since he was supposed to call that night and it took him 2 days to call me when I asked to see him on Monday.I didn't hear back from him until Saturday morning when he said he think that we should just be friends, that I need someone more active, someone that lives closer and that he was thinking of moving to NC and doesn't want to make me feel like I have to move there with him if the relationship progresses. I started crying because it caught me so off guard that he was dumping me and told him that I want to continue the relationshi