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-   -   ok back to barefeet (https://www.feetcore.com/forums/showthread.php?t=580)

Brew Mar 2nd, 2006 6:40PM, PST

ok back to barefeet
back to what i luv best!!
:woohoo: :cheer:

Post edited by: tyler, at: 2006/03/02 21:21

Brew Mar 3rd, 2006 5:26AM, PST

Re: ok back to barefeet
29 views and no replys and 91 in post below and 76 in another post. wow people! :ohmy: maybe i should lay off the posting

Post edited by: Brew, at: 2006/03/03 05:27

Post edited by: Brew, at: 2006/03/03 05:28:sick:

Post edited by: Brew, at: 2006/03/03 05:30

tyler Mar 3rd, 2006 7:42AM, PST

Re: ok back to barefeet
Oh wow, just woke up and got a chance to download these and view them.

I'm totally a barefoot fan and these were right on key... from the frizzy haired hottie to the verbose german being spoken to the hot innocent straight haired chic and even the girl in the hot red dress in the last clip.

Those clips were just full of hot stuff too much to detail out but the stuff I mentioned above are a few of the goodies.

Great stuff Brew!

Let me add some insight about the possibility of some people maybe not being able to post their appreciation because they don't know how to post or download some of the rapidshare clips. Here's a message I just received from smellnylonfeet talking about his appreciation but being unable to post a reply for whatever reason:

\"From: Smellnylonfeet

Hi Tyler, WOW WOW WOW, I found the 8 clip links
of the nylon feet sniffing movies you have
posted. I think the members name is Brew, I sure
got to figure out how to post my thanks. And of
course my thanks to you too!! I clicked onto the
other 3 footjob clip links, but cannot download
them clips cause a thing pops up that says the
server was reset. Can you explain to me if these
can be downloaded too or not?? Boy's am I in
HEAVEN with these Nylon Feet Sniffing clips!! Got
4 downloaded , going to do other 4. And hopefully
them 3 footjob clips too , if you can help??

Post edited by: tyler, at: 2006/03/03 07:55

fjmouse32 Mar 3rd, 2006 7:54AM, PST

Re: ok back to barefeet
Brew, we all appreciate your posts. Some of us are just lazy to respond. I don't like it either when no one replies to my posts. Please continue to share what you have.

docj009 Mar 5th, 2006 8:51PM, PST

Re: ok back to barefeet
i absolutely loove these clips!! they are amzing! there are some really hot girls in them...thanks a lot for the post!

H32fetichiste Mar 6th, 2006 10:08AM, PST

Re: ok back to barefeet
i still prefer with hose, but yes barefeet is
also great !!

Thanks again.

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