feedcrawler |
Feb 25th, 2008 6:49PM, PST |
Open Question: Women in Chicago: Will you be my girlfriend? Serious answers only?
I'm in my mid 30s never had a girlfriend and I'm a virgin. The virgin part is basically because I have a tickling fetish and would rather tickle a woman's feet and go home and masturbate than have sex. So my girlfriend will have to be okay with the fact that I am going to be very inexperienced about sex, dating, and really life in general. I've lived a very sheltered life compared to most men my age. I stay home and play video games or go on the internet and thats all I want to do.She will of course have to be okay with my tickling fetish.I'm 5'8", 220 lbs, with a huge gut and not very handsome so she has to be okay with that. But she has to be at least a 7/10 in looks because I can't get turned on for a female I don't think is good looking (and I've heard women don't need a guy to be good looking to fall in love with him so that's why it should be okay I don't look good.)I don't want to have to have a life outside of her. Outside of wanting a girlfriend,to hang all over me, make me feel important, attractive, stroke my ego (these are all the reasons I want a gf), I have very little interest in other people (unless I need them for something). I've heard its a big turnoff if a guy has no life outside of her, so my gf will have to be ok with that. I make 27K a year and from what I hear that is way below the average for a guy my age. But I like my job because its easy, and not having to work hard is more important to me than having a lot of money. And I don't want kids so it wouldn't be a question of could I support a family, also she would be working too.I know you will say I want a one-sided relationship but my whole life would revolve around being around her, always kissing, cuddling, telling her I love her. Thats not one-sided.And why should I change myself? You shouldnt have to change so someone will love you. To change wouldn't be true to myself. Email me at lonesomeloser08@yahoo.com for a pic. Serious responses only!