feedcrawler |
Mar 4th, 2013 6:04PM, PST |
Open Question: me my girlfriend and my foot fetish help?
so ive been with my girlfriend since we were 15 and we're 21 now, i used to joke around when we first got together and grab her feet and bite her toes and she was fine with it at first. i then managed to get a foot job and to suck her toes which she was fine about, then all of a sudden things changed she now says "she hates her feet being touched" (she used to ask me to massage them so im really confused) she even went to the lengths of always wearing shoes, so i told her i didn't have a foot fetish anymore so she'd start to take them off so at least i could see her feet. im really frustrated because she was fine with it at first and now shes not any idea why and how i can i dunno do stuff with her feet again?