feedcrawler |
Feb 6th, 2012 7:21PM, PST |
Open Question: I need help!? (uncontrolable fetish)?
Hello, I am writing this because I need some help with my life, you see I have a very dirty habit where I feel attracted towards a girls feet, otherwise known as a foot fetish and I hate having it :c I feel it drains my life away, my buddies treat me differently because of it and everyone thinks I'm weird, I'm being bullied because of it too, I've gotten to breaking point and I sometimes feel I should just end it all, I've also tried to remove my creepy habit but it didn't work and now I'm back on it :c all I need to know is how I can stop this 'fetish' and start pulling my life back together, it took a lot out of me to post this as I wasn't too confident but I need to fix it badly :'(, please help me!