feedcrawler |
Mar 28th, 2011 9:31AM, PDT |
Open Question: My girlfriend only likes me because she is scared of me!?
I was talking to some of my girlfriend's friends, and they seemed constantly surprised that I knew even the most basic stuff. At first I got angry and thought they were racists, but they explained that her usual "type" was "brainless thugs".I asked my girlfriend, and she said this was pretty much true! She explained she couldn't really get turned on by a guy unless they scared her a little.(I should mention that I am 6 foot 4, black, and have some rather offensive tattoos I got when I was yovng and stupid.)Now, this sort of explains a lot. I've come to think relationship is an expression of a "gangsta fetish" and effort to pis off her parents.A while back she invited me to her sister's birthday. Her parents are a bit "snooty" so I wanted to dress up to make a good impression, but she kept telling me to dress casual. Turns out it was a full blown quincinera (people still have those?) and I was in a T shirt while everyone else was in a suit. ...and that's another thing. She keeps wanting me to wear a T-shirt. I have some gang related tattoos that would be dangerous to where in some places. Also, this town is REALLY racist and has a lot of speed traps. I find if I get stopped with tattoos showing the cops kick into "gang-banger" mode and I end up getting frisked with a gun pointed at me...So, is it racist that she kinds me "scary"? If she finds the "scary" a turn on, should I care?Our relationship is fine aside from this.