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-   -   Used & Abused.. (https://www.feetcore.com/forums/showthread.php?t=385)

Ikebana Feb 14th, 2006 7:37AM, PST

Used & Abused..
1 Attachment(s)
Rachel, a complete stranger I had been grooming on the internet for months. She was a complete tease of a bitch sending me scanned images of her size 10 feet and telling me what she was going to do with my face. Step, pinch and scratch as my head lays on the hard concrete floor. She continued teasing me for weeks saying she would wear her sneakers all day and after removing them and her socks grip and pinch my shaft in between her long cheesy toes until I went into a submission. She also had this idea of wedging my shaft inbetween her soles and her flip flops and have my shaft slapped! Finally she decided it was time to meet and have her feet fucked and abused in the comfort of my bedroom one summers evening....

Post edited by: ikebana, at: 2006/02/14 14:44

Ikebana Feb 14th, 2006 2:47PM, PST

Used & Abused 2
1 Attachment(s)
Rachel's feet... [img size=550]http://www.feetcore.com/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/images/toeexercise.jpg[/img]

tyler Feb 14th, 2006 4:02PM, PST

Re: Used & Abused 2
Nice story to accompany the pic.

I've not had any intimate online relationships that ultimately resulted in foot play, but I can definitely see the excitement in such.

Awh man, and size 10 feet is just an added bonus. Hers look pretty tasty too. Reminds me of a soccor chic's toes

Ikebana Feb 14th, 2006 4:08PM, PST

Re: Used & Abused 2
Hi Tyler,

Hope all is well and ticking along nicely.

You seem like a pretty well built tough guy... (with intelligence to match of course) having served in the f0rces if I rightly recall. Who is the one model who's really put you to the test with her feet and put you into a submission? :)

Post edited by: ikebana, at: 2006/02/14 16:09

tyler Feb 14th, 2006 4:29PM, PST

Re: Used & Abused 2
Without a doubt, Liz Lighting.

This example excerpt was taken from the days where I actually was in good shape (& in the military).

Ikebana Feb 15th, 2006 4:53AM, PST

Art House
1 Attachment(s)
Just to add a little diversity. [img size=545]http://www.feetcore.com/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/images/hmm1.jpg[/img]

Post edited by: ikebana, at: 2006/02/15 04:55

Ikebana Feb 15th, 2006 5:02AM, PST

Re: Used & Abused 2
Yes Liz Lightning is one tough lady - I did enjoy all of her clips, especially the example that you used just then. Any future plans with Liz? And if so, any ideas as to what you would like to do with her... or rather she does to you!

Just take care Tyler if you manage to have anymore dealings with her - we wouldn't want to put you into and early grave :)

tyler Feb 15th, 2006 5:43AM, PST

Re: Used & Abused 2
Yeah, definitely wanna work with Liz some more. No forecast yet on when we can make her an offer. There's so many things we'd like to film with her.

Lia LaBowe had in fact mentioned how she wanted to meet Liz at some point for her wrestling abilities. In fact, seeing Liz on our website was one of the reasons Lia decided she was interested in working with us.

Anyway, at some point I do wanna film Liz again and do the whole routine of content plus lots of other stuff. No real outline yet though as new shoots are not planned for the near term.

Ikebana Feb 15th, 2006 2:19PM, PST

Liz Lightning
For real Tyler. Liz Lightning is a happening chic, the type of chic that could break you at will. She uses her feet in a skilled way which all adds to the psychology - she's one of a few models that can ruffle your feathers and get inside your head no doubt in the future...

Check out the 'Art House' photo of a model whos feet I sucked pink. Nice angle I thought - perhaps you can get a perspective from the model - in other words let her hold the handheld PD-150 or whatever camera you use. Might be interesting watching you get smothered out from that angle close-up. :evil:

Post edited by: ikebana, at: 2006/02/15 14:21

tyler Feb 15th, 2006 7:24PM, PST

Re: Liz Lightning
The great thing about Liz is her brains and her brawn. She can put a man in his place easily both physically and mentally when she so chooses. I'd lose a battle of the wits or with her feet against my face every time.

I have an angle of Ally filming me getting a footjob similar to the art house angle. I can't wait to get it posted, but it gives a different perspective indeed.

Good to change it up once in a while too. In general though, I like to film where I'm manning the camera so I can capture her face in the action too.

Ikebana Feb 16th, 2006 2:32AM, PST

Re: Liz Lightning
Oh yes that would cheer me up :evil:

Perhaps you could post a sneak-preview screenshot of your footage - it will be sure to rock the party plus add to the anticipated drama (hint hint nudge nudge)

I've always been baffled by why women in the states seem to have the biggest feet - a good thing by the way. I'd love to come over and hang-out in a few bars to check out if this thoery is a reality. Especially having a taster of Shari and Ally Vids and pics - also Emma, Serina etc etc :)

tyler Feb 16th, 2006 3:59AM, PST

Re: Liz Lightning
Ikebana wrote:

Perhaps you could post a sneak-preview screenshot of your footage

Great idea:

Ikebana Feb 16th, 2006 4:11AM, PST

Re: Liz Lightning
Gosh! i nearly bl@cked out there... even if they are thumbs!


Great thumbnails Tyler - unfortunately I can't access them just yet as i'm not a registered user believe it or not. No credit card and cash... cash, whats that?? :P

Good way to go though i'm sure the footage will cater for all needs and will be eagerly anticipated!

Post edited by: ikebana, at: 2006/02/16 04:15

tyler Feb 16th, 2006 4:16AM, PST

Re: Liz Lightning
Registered user's don't have to pay for access to the registered user's area. It's free for registered users and registration itself is free. If you're able to post in the forum it means you've already accomplished the free registration and you should be able to access the material when you're logged in with your registered user account.

Post edited by: tyler, at: 2006/02/16 04:21

Ikebana Feb 16th, 2006 4:23AM, PST

Re: Liz Lightning
Ahh - sorry I wasn't very clear with my language. As I click onto the preview links it takes me to the log-in screen so I automatically assumed only paid subscribers were priveleged to enjoy this material - as in green is free and blue is for paid subscribers if you get my general gist?

tyler Feb 16th, 2006 4:25AM, PST

Re: Liz Lightning
Try loggin out, and then logging back in. The access cookie expires if you're logged in for a long period of time. You should be able to access the registered user area material since you've done the free registration.

Might just need to refresh your login by logging out and then logging in if you've had any stagnant periods of activity for an hour or more. It's a synchronization bug that affects longer periods of login inactivity.

Post edited by: tyler, at: 2006/02/16 04:31

Ikebana Feb 16th, 2006 4:41AM, PST

Re: Liz Lightning
1 Attachment(s)
Yes it's worked beautifully. It's nice to see the 'intamacy' at the beginning shots all adds to the build up. I can only hope to see angle shots and plenty of toes, maybe soles... maybe consider a 'reverse-footjob' with her next time should you be able to get hold of her for future shoots - would add a new dimension to this classic model if more viewing pleasure. [img size=545]http://www.feetcore.com/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/images/ally_fj3111.jpg[/img]

Post edited by: ikebana, at: 2006/02/16 04:43

tyler Feb 17th, 2006 1:40AM, PST

Re: Ally FJ Angles
I only had one inexperienced camera girl for that scene so not too many angle unfortunately.

Reverse fj woulda been nice at the time but we ran short on time quick. The sneak preview pics that I posted we just a partial indicator of the angles that will eventually be posted though.

There's one cam with some close-ups and two cams with static angles.

Would like to get a hold of Ally again, but my attempts have been unsuccessful with her thus far. But who knows, she may show up on my radar again

Ikebana Feb 17th, 2006 9:24AM, PST

Re: Ally FJ Angles
No it's all looking pretty 'dope'.

Gosh! - she's a chick and a half isn't she Tyler? That 'Cockslapping' technique on her would have gone down like winning a million bucks on a scratch-card. Or even the idea of her suffocatin' yo' asss in-between her long toes!!! Or even.....

Too much excitement.

Did you say you were looking for Ally?

Well she's right here with me grabbing my cam-shaft with her toes!!!!:woohoo:

I could only wish :(

tyler Feb 17th, 2006 11:01AM, PST

Re: Ally FJ Angles
I do have a variety of footage with her (as I do with most every model). Some of the other stuff I have Ally doing includes gripping my nose with her toes. There's even a little close-up action but the camera girl did not capture quite enough of it in my opinion.

All this stuff is on the way. There's just been a ton of other things distracting this business at the moment.

Ikebana Feb 17th, 2006 11:20AM, PST

Re: Ally FJ Angles
Good luck managing it - hope all smoothes out eventually.

tyler Feb 17th, 2006 11:35AM, PST

Re: Ally FJ Angles
Ikebana wrote:

Good luck managing it - hope all smoothes out eventually.

Tryin my best man... a lot of my efforts get wasted trying to market and bring in more traffic.

If this site were as little as breaking even, I wouldn't have to focus so much effort external to content extraction. There's just so much content waiting to be extracted and I wish I could devote more of my time to it, but therein lies the rub (no pun intended).

Ikebana Feb 17th, 2006 12:53PM, PST

Art House 2
1 Attachment(s)
more art-house... [img size=545]http://www.feetcore.com/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/images/art.jpg[/img]

tyler Feb 18th, 2006 5:22AM, PST

Re: Art House 2
Good one! The tattoo kinda reminds me of Liz Lightning's (the one on ankles).

Serena is a hot tattoo chic too.

Ikebana Feb 18th, 2006 5:17PM, PST

Re: Art House 2
Serena Sinn, Alex Duvall, Ally Doehr and Shari Green are personal favourites.

Off the subject: So what's it like in LA Tyler- the ladies - the life - the styles? Would you show me the ropes if I was to travel over to that part of the world? :evil:

tyler Feb 18th, 2006 7:17PM, PST

Re: Art House 2
LA is absolutely wonderful as are the women. This place inspired me to relentlessly pursue what I'm doing. The women here are gorgeous and the hook-up potential in the clubs is amazing with the right strategies.

Since early May of '05 I have dramatically stopped going out and enjoying LA for the sake of creating FeetCore fulltime (actually overtime).

I'd be glad to show you the ropes of LA, but it will have to be sometime after this website stabilizes, cuz nowadays I don't party, talk to friends family or anyone. All I do is work in excess of 100 hours/week.

It leaves me virtually no time for enjoying the LA scene in this interim for which I don't know how long it will go on... but I'm going on 8 or 9 months now nonstop.

All I can say was that the night life was extraordinary as were the women, and I wish to god I could be back in the scene like I used to when I had a paying job. Those were truly the days... so inspiring.

Post edited by: tyler, at: 2006/02/18 19:18

Ikebana Feb 21st, 2006 4:26AM, PST

Ally's Footjob video...
From what i could see there seemed to be absolutely zero chance of NOT getting a money shot from Ally's footjob :)

This example is some of the strongest available on Feetcore in my opinion - though you might want to call me biased. There seemed to be more of a dominant connection over you on her part and you seemed 'in trouble'!

In your opinion what was the best part of that footjob scene?

Post edited by: ikebana, at: 2006/02/21 04:27

tyler Feb 21st, 2006 4:43AM, PST

Re: Ally's Footjob video...
She did exhibit a little bit of tight control here and there. I think she wanted to have some cock sucking time instead of the FJ.

In either case, I was glad to cum in the POV scene. My favorite part though was a particular moment where she started gripping the head of my penis and rhythmically pressing her big toe against it. That little segment is shown at the tail end of this promo clip if I recall correctly.

Post edited by: tyler, at: 2006/02/21 04:44

Ikebana Feb 22nd, 2006 4:12PM, PST

Re: Ally's Footjob video & meaty toes
1 Attachment(s)
I really enjoyed that clip - thanks.
It seems like she was toying with your cock. What I did especially enjoy and thought stood out in this set of videos - Ally's - was the foreplay and the build-up. Edge of the seat stuff. :)
I recall you mentioned liking 'meaty toes' so i've added this attachment. [img size=377]http://www.feetcore.com/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/images/12345.jpg[/img]

Post edited by: ikebana, at: 2006/02/22 16:20

tyler Feb 22nd, 2006 6:26PM, PST

Re: Ally's Footjob video & meaty toes
Nice Pic, The thing I like best about meaty toes is the way they can surround and grip your member into exploding ecstacy if they so choose.

Ally also had such capability :evil:

Glad you liked her excessive foreplay although I have to admit that it was unscripted and not planned. Even her friend (the camerawoman) had to tell her to get back to feet stuff a time or two.

Kaveh Feb 23rd, 2006 1:18PM, PST

Re: Ally's Footjob video & meaty toes
The first picture is great. I like unpainted toes.

Thanks for the pic!

Ikebana Feb 25th, 2006 8:08AM, PST

Re: Ally's Footjob video & meaty toes
I'm glad you enjoyed it Kaveh :)

What are your preferences in feet if you dont mind me asking and who is your favourite model on this site?

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