Because I had a very strange dream last night about a girl I know sticking her toes in my mouth and stuff like that... won't go into too much detail but it was very very strange indeed. The even weirder thing is that I woke up with a b.o.n.e.r which only happens to me after erotic dreams and thinking back to the dream, it was admittedly enjoyable. Did I develop some sort of foot fetish overnight or something!? I mean, I'd heard of all that stuff before but I never really gave it a second thought. If so, is there a way to get rid of it?? Sorry about the detail but I must know... P.S: If you're planning on answering just to comment on how weird/gross/perverted it is, don't bother because I pretty much feel the same. I didn't choose for this to happen! I don't though, that's the problem. Only after particularly sexual dreams that I can remember clearly. And last time I checked, a girl shoving her toes into my mouth wasn't sexual for me :L