Originally Posted by smellnylonfeet
My 1st bill to be p@ssed will be as follows; all men will be able to go into ladies shoe stores and be able to smell their feet, toes, and well worn work pumps as they are hand jobbed by the wh0re. So still want me as prez???????? 
dood, that makes me want you as pres even more LOL!
Originally Posted by smellnylonfeet
You must allow me to wear heels however in the oval office, and I will pass many bills that will both help and excite all foot and shoe lovers
the thing that i would like to see most is you delivering your 1st state of the union address and instead of doing it from a crowded theatre, i would rather see you do it televised with just you in your oval office.
i would love to see you deliver this formal speech to all americans while you have a nylon hose over your head and also a rubber band attaching an inverted pump to your nose the entire time. this would be like that awesome picture you posted on halloween years ago. now if americans could see a president who was proud to show his love for his fetish, we would certainly be on the path to being a better country indeed!!!
we should all write in our votes for steve-o at the polls, Hee Hee