I hate this so much, it makes me feel like such a pervert. I'm pretty sure the pantyhose intrigue started when I was 5 in kindergarten whilst sitting at my teacher's feet during 'story time'. At the time I was ripping up small pieces of paper and putting them on my teacher's feet out of boredom (which just so happened to be covered in black pantyhose). Of course she gets annoyed and tells me to wipe them off and clear it up. That first touch of pantyhose stuck with me for life and obviously triggered something in my brain to later on associate that feeling of pantyhose with sex. Since then I've not been able to pass a girl in the street without looking at her legs to see if she is wearing pantyhose. I currently give my girlfriend subtle hints to wear them more often, and she agrees that wearing stockings whilst in bed is sexy, although she is still unaware of my fetish after 10 months. I just don't understand how I came to associate them with sexual pleasure - when I was 5 surely I wouldn't have had any concept of sexual stimulation? It's now getting to the point that I require my girlfriend to wear them during sex to become sufficiently aroused. I know fetishes are not abnormal, but I'm so tired of this. I'm 19 now and it's starting to become a real drag. I don't even know the best person to contact to counsel me on this. Thanks for reading.