I recently asked a question about text messages. It got deleted. No email explaining why, either. I thought it was just someone being stupid so I re-posted it and that was taken down, too. I recently asked a question about a foot fetish and that was perfectly OK, but for some reson texts are taboo? All I want to know is why my texts take so long to go through. Is it the service or my phone? I have had to wait up to 40 minutes! I have a smart phone, and service that starts with an S and ends in a print. I have to keep the screen open (don't let the screen saver go on, or let the screen go out), and if I send more than one at a time - forget it. It's ridiculous! I really want an answer, aand now Yahoo won't let me get one? Trouble from all sides here. Does anyone else's phone do this? Is it just the service? Any help is appreciated!