My boyfriend and I have been together for about a year and a half, and I love him dearly. He hinted that he had a fetish and wanted to do more with it and wanted to tell me, but he was embarrassed to do so. After bugging him for so long he decided to tell me and said that he hoped I didn't think it was weird. He turned out to have a foot fetish, which of course explains the attention that he gives my feet. I guess I gave him a "weird" look and then he said "See, I knew I shouldn't have told you". It's been about 2 weeks and ever since then, he has been acting differently. He seems depressed and/or not as happy as he used to, even though he always denies it and puts a smile on his face. He's not mad at me but I feel so bad

What should I do? Please help!Well, I didn't get freaked out or anything, Im open minded. I think maybe it was a quick reaction on my part and maybe he to took it to heart.Maybe I'll surprise him and throw my foot his way? lolp.s. to clarify things, I'm gay lol