Ok, 18 year old so i have a foot fetish but for male feet mostly. (i am also attracted to woemn like have it with women). But i looked at pics of guys and nudity does not turn me on just the feet. I think i have a true fetish because i cant do anything with anyone unless it involves feet, or begins with feet(what a drag). So, anyways, i havent enjoyed my fetish for a long time now because i am relgious (islamic). Just trying to get it out and have some fun, but does this sound like a good idea to you. This is how my plan is going: K my cousin is pretty good looking, same age, but what amazes me is that he has great feet. Not interested in him, but Everytime i go to his house, his feet turn me on. So i was wondering is it ok to tell him the truth about my fetish or inform him "indierectly" about a foot fetish for both men and women so he can let me play with his feet (like you know smell his feat, teasing etc) nothing too sexual. Note: He is straight guy and one of my other cousins was gay and told him that he was gay and my cousin wasn't interested. But this time it only concerns feet and ill tell him that im not gay what about a foot fetish do you think that is different.PS: If you think this wont be successful and he'll get mad (were friends) then where on hell can i enjoy my feet fetish??