hiya all,,, really apreacate any comments and awsners you can give me to help me out,,,, my bf of few wks has just told me has a foot fetish im a little freaked out by this im no really sure what a foot fetish is tho i asked what it ment an what it does for him he says it realaxes him?? realxs him how does anyone know???

we have discused since he told me and i still dont understand i feel pretty ignorant cause i do like the guy,, just wondering if anyone can explain it to me ive looked online at some stuff an they look totaly crazy to me but i think the stuff ive seen online is like maybe an 3xtreme verison cause that was all leather an woman standing on men looked sore but also my bf said it doesnt hurt when it gets done can anyone tell my why that is aswell soz guys this is all over the place ma question im just confused please help xxxxx