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Old Oct 15th, 2012, 3:05AM, PDT
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Default Open Question: Girls, what do you think and how would you react if a guy asked you one of these questions?

I just answered an open question where the person asked if it was wierd that he likes feet. i answered no it wasnt....It's a common fetish..."Well after answering it came to mind to ask you ladies which is more strange or wierd to you if at all? A guy that ask to grab or play with your breast; a guy who insist on grabbing at your butt; or a guy who ask to smell your feet?The first two are obviously common fetishes that guys have and is frequently protrayed in tv and film; the foot fetish if you research is actually near the top of the list also of common fetishes but doesnt get as much attention as some other fetishes.So my question is which fetishes if any would you react more negatively toward and which more positive? Would you be more willing to let someone smell your feet,play with your breast or fondle butt.And generally your opinion of what you think about fetishes, theese and any other I havent mentioned (keep in mind guys and girls can have these fetishes) ?

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