When I first heard of foot fetishes being something common, roughly 30% of people, and shoe fetishes following it, I thought it was something that the majority of girls have. To my surprise, it seems that it's guys that have foot fetishes. I'm not quite sure if I can say I have a foot fetish, but I am turned on by looking at girl's bare feet, and playing with my gf's.My question is to the girls that DON'T have foot fetishes (excuse the CAPS but I just wanted to make sure no one misreads). What is your state of mind or thought about your feet? Is it just seen as any other plain body part that wouldn't normally be erotic/sexual to you; ex: the hands, hair, arms, etc.? Why is it that girls are always so common to be barefoot everywhere, yet guys should be wearing socks? When you get a pedicure, do you think of anything erotic or feel sexual, or is it just as plain/dull as washing your hands?Thank you.