my boyfriend really wanted me to give him a footjob (he likes feet a lot and he regularly sucks my toes and licks my feet, at first it was strange but now its a huge turn-on for me) so he sorta taught me how and showed me the best ways to do it by guiding my feet and such. i dont know why but it was so erotic and it was a very sexy experience and it reeaaaallllly got him off, it was amazing. at first i didnt think i would get anything sexual from it but strangely i did and it made me feel great during and afterwards. we agreed that i should give him at least 1-2 footjobs each day after that

girls have you ever given one? did you feel the same as me? and guys have you ever gotten one or wanted one and how did you like it? this boyfriend kinda awakened me to how pretty men think feet are and now i notice a lot more guys checking out my feet then i used to, i guess i never thought it was a big thing.