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Old May 5th, 2012, 7:40PM, PDT
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Default Open Question: Is erectile dysfunction normal in relationships?

Hi I'm a 22 year old male who was a virgin before meeting my current partner. we've been together for six years but because of my anxiety towards sex we only lost our virginity two years ago...the first time went great but the subsequent times have been a struggle because I find it hard to maintain an erection because of my nerves. I really don't know what I'm nervous about I love my partner more than anything and she loves me too but sex in my head is scary and complicated and it doesn't matter how many times my partner tells me to calm down I can't! I just leave her sexually frustrated...she thinks its her fault that this happens and thinks its because I don't find her attractive or that she's done something wrong but its something wrong in me...some side info I do have a foot fetish that she indulges so its not even down to not being sexually fulfilled. I really need some serious advice...is it psychological? physical? Am I asexual? Fast replies would be much appreciated

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