I am 15 and bisexual, and I have a friend who is 16 and also bisexual. We are both on the rifle team at our high school. We met on the first day of rifle, about a week before Thanksgiving. At practice, we both always make our hands look like hearts and say "I love you." I truly do love her, and we both understand each other. Since we are both bisexual, we can connect there and feel secure, and know the other isn't judging us. Also at practice, she tells me about things that she doesn't tell other people there. On Thursday, she told me about this show she was watching, and was telling me about the hot chicks in it. She also talked to me about how gay porn doesn't do anything, and straight doesn't do much either, but how she likes girl on girl, and I told her I was the same way. Also on Thursday, after practice she was waiting for her mom, and I was waiting for mine, and we were standing outside in the cold, with a guy we have both known for ages. She started to say she was cold and needed a hug to warm up, and the boy tried to hug her and she said "Not from you, from her!" meaning me. I hugged her to warm her up. It wasn't odd because we hug each other a lot. The first time we hugged, she hugged me first. On Friday, we went out to dinner for my birthday, and she was bothered because she didn't get me anything, though I didn't get anything for her, either. We both have the same birthday, only she is a year older. I told her when I invited her that I wanted her there and wasn't worried about a gift or anything like that, and I truly wasn't. We were playing outside of the diner with my other friend, and my brother, and I was telling them about the night before, but not weirdly or anything, and she was like "That reminds me, I'm cold, warm me up." At practice, she also took my cell phone, which she does a lot, since she doesn't have minutes and needs to call her mom to pick her up, and put her number in my phone. I just want to know if she likes me, or if I am reading into it too much. Please help me. She does have a boyfriend, and on Friday the 18th they will have been together for 8 months. He is a bit of a creep though, it bothers him that she is on the team because it means she isn't with him or talking to him. Also, on Friday at practice, we were goofing off, and talking about foot fetishes with a couple of the boys there, and I jokingly grabbed her foot (Okay I admit I was flirting.) and she was like, in front of the guys "Don't take this creepily, but that felt gooooood." and winked, and then we laughed at it. I am a girl by the way, not a boy, just to clear that up. I reposted becuase I only got two answers that weren't asking my gender, or assuming I am a guy. We also take one hand from each of us to make a heart.