What a coincidence, I saw a chick wearing green toe nail polish earlier today. In fact this was an old aquaintance of mine. A girlfriend of an old friend.
I went to the supermarket to do some shopping. on my way in I noticed a chick in some sexy shoes displaying her feet. She had not noticed me yet, as she was slowely traversing the isle ahead of me, while I was honing in past her on my way to the produce section. As I p@ssed her by she did not notice, she was preocupied looking onto the shelfs, so I treated myself to a gander, as all of usually do in similar situations. She was wearing green toe nail polish, immediatly I though to myself what a coincidence just two days ago I posted a thread that mentioned how it had been so long since I had seen woman wering green toe nail polish. She had nice well taken care of feet. She had on some shiny opened toed flats fastened with a thong between her first and second toe, about a sixer I am guessing. As I p@ssed her up I looked up at her to catch a glimpls of her face, our eyes met, I immediately though to myself I think I know her. I continued on and figured I would eventually run into her again. As I was walking to the checkout lane (isle six) the employee tells me "sorry I am closed afer this last person" so I go over to the next lane when another familiar face passes me by, It was the chicks sister, I also knew her but even less than her sister. I always wanted to bone this chick, I actually knew her before I began liking feet, she has this huge rack and a cute face. She then called to her other friend to ask her to go and see if isle six was still open, I then seized the opportunity to talk to her as I told her, " Oh that isle is closed I just came from over there." That is when her siter came up to us and then I asked them if we knew each other. We talked for a little while mostly about my friend which I knew them through, nothing too significant. Although I did manage to steal a couple of looks at those green little toes again. Her siter (with the rack) was also showing feet. She was wering some flip flops, no toe nail polish though.

Even though the older one with the nice rack is hotter overall, she does not have a sexier pair of feet than her younger sister. I don't know maybe its true what they say, sometimes the hotter chicks don't put forth as much effort in the foot deparment. Anyways what a coincidence, maybe I should post something that involves me worshiping two chicks feet, one with pink toe nails and the other with light purple-ish blue polish. Maybe that will come true also

The feet gods must have become aware of my dryspell with the green toe nail polish and sent me a treat.

Nah just kidding, "No I ain't superstitious its all bullshit don't ya know" ------Dave mustaine(megadeth). All in all, green is a nice color toe nail polish.