Ladies, please translate the following convo between me and this girl I like?I had been talking to this girl for a while now, and one of her first emails she had sent me said I was good looking. Then one time, she randomly told me about her shoe collection.....How did she pick up I had a foot fetish? Anyways.....her: ill let you know i have plans so far the next few weekendsme: okme: would you be interested if you didn't?me: have plans already i meanher: probablym: okme: im still physically attracted to you, that's why I askedme: I wasn't sure if that was the same case with you or nother: yeah me: yeah, as in you feel the same way too?her: im attracted to you yes timing good not really sorry me: don't be sorry me: it's not your faulther: okme: and I know we had this convo before, I just figured I'd get it out thereme: maybe eventually we'll have our maybe nother: not sure maybe but i dont want to give you false hope either so i dont