Oh MY GOD Steve-o, i don't know where you keep finding these great pairs of legs but this girl right here i would be following her around on the streets for a while and trying to seem inconspicuous. And then eventually when i mustered up enough courage to be close enough to her i would try to make small talk with her and hope she likes me for who I am so that there might be a spark.
And like most foot fetishists out there, i might even compliment her on how beautiful she is or how great her legs look so that it will increase my chances of footsniffing later, Hee Hee
Or maybe I'd just take the direct route and walk up to her and say, hey I'll pay ya $20 bux if you come sit in my car with me and just let me smell your shoes for 5 minutes, LOL! Oh, she'd have a great story to tell her husband, family, or friends when she got back home fer sure! ...just like most women who I cold approach in real life or on the internet