Say hypothetically that I'm a 16 year old guy who wants to be a politician when he grows up, but at the same time, he posted a lot of weird questions about a foot fetish on Yahoo answers, would he suffer repercussions later on for that from the press? Obviously this generation is the first to suffer from internet backlash, but is there any way to supress it if it is damaging? Of course this is all hypothetical, and if the answer is yes, it would damage a political career, then it was an experiment, ha ha ha, you fell for it

Daniel do you speak English? Because not only could I not understand a God Dam* word that came out of that d0g rectum you call a mouth, but you barely answered my question. I was wondering if the oress could dig up my skeletons in the closet and use them against me as of now, even with an alias or something. But for anyone else who answers, apparently this wasn't obvious enough when Daniel answered, but no dumb pieces of sh*t are allowed to answer, and Daniel that means you. When I said obviously I meant because the internet was actually useful in the 90s, therefore the generation that goes from 82-99 ergo, my generation, is the first to deal with this. And nieve isn't the right word to describe it if I was wrong, it would just be foolish, or stupid, or uninformed, but you win the prize for pompous douche bag