Submit a Complaint
Use this form to submit (or appeal) a DMCA or Take-Down request, or to report illegal content that violates any laws in the United States
First and Last Name:
Email address:
Phone number:
Type of Complaint:
What type of complaint are you submitting?
Digital Millennium Copyright Act (for companies & copyright owners)
Takedown Request (for personal likeness issues or contentions)
Illegal Content (uploads that violate United States legal standards)
an Appeal (to a previous decision not resulting in removal of content)
Describe the nature-of and/or reason(s) for your complaint: ---------------
Link(s) in contention:
List the URL/link(s) on our website that contain the material in question: ---------------
Required Fields:
Optional Fields:
All complaints will be reviewed & resolved within 7 business days.
For any disagreements with our investigative decision, appeals
may be made & will be handled through a neutral
3rd party